Rated Everyone 10+
Fantasy Violence
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Smashy Duo
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
This was yet another Blast App mission. So again I had no idea what I was getting into. I sometimes jump into these Blast App games with no clue as to what they could even be about. I have discovered a lot of great games from this Blast App missions. I guess we will find out what is in store for us today!
Game Play

Well right off the bat this is nothing like I expected at all. I really was not to sure what to expect, to be honest. This was definitely a different game altogether. Something I do not ever play. It is a sports game of sorts. You get a tag team vs a crowd of zombies and you destroy the zombies in a tennis style fashion! As you defeat the zombies you earn yourself gold. You can use gold to unlock more teams. You can also watch short little ads to gain more gold as well. They do have three styles of play from what I can see. One is a story mode which I have not been able to unlock yet. There is a quest style mode where you complete different areas to finally take on a boss. Then they have the mode you start out with, which I am guessing is a free play mode. They do have upgrades that I do believe work for all the teams. Whether or not each team has a difference outside their looks I have no idea. This did turn out to be a lot of fun, and even though I have not gotten to unlock everything yet I will be working to unlock more of it soon. The basic mechanics of the gameplay are you just simply tap the side of the screen that the ball is on to make that character hit the ball. It is really just that simple. Overall I gave this a full star!


These graphics were fun cartoony and colorful. This almost feels like it is aimed 100% at the younger children. The character designs are all copies of everyday characters we already know. They just all have different names. Like the plumber looking characters dressed in Red and Green overalls called the Mushroom Bros. There is even a team called Alic and Hatter. I am sure you can figure out who they are. The maps and designs are all very fun and childlike right down to the funny goofy looking zombies. Overall I did enjoy these graphics, animations and even the designs. I gave this a full star!

The music is dark and gloomy, but it is also very fun and active at the same time. There are a few different songs in this game, but a just your basic style loops. Again the music does feel as if though it is aimed more at an individual with a short attention span. Overall I gave it half a star.

Well, there really is not much I can say about the story just yet because I never got to unlock it before my time ran out. I do know there are different stories or chapters. I just do not know what the stories are yet. I do know they are there and will give this a full star!
Replay Value

Well, I do not see any competitive play, just a lot of single player modes. There is a lot to collect and a lot of different modes. With the free play mode, I do believe it is an endless play mode. So that could potentially be something to see just how many zombies you can whack. Outside of playing after you collect everything and beat the other modes, I do not see too much else to do. For the endless play though I will give this half a star.
I did enjoy this fun little twist on a tennis style sports game. I do not see it lasting too long on my phone. For me personally, I just need something that is packed full of things to do. This for me is just one of those mindless time killers you can play while spending unwanted time in the bathroom. It is a fun game. I just feel it is centered and geared more for children than adults. I do hope you enjoyed this review and hope you all have a smashingly good day!
Google Play Smashy Duo Official Site
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