A Parents Guide to Action Games
Ok, so this is going to be a fairly extensive article. Hopefully not too long to the point people get bored of it and stop reading halfway through. I am going to make an attempt to explain all the video game types, styles and provide some examples of each. There are about ten main types of each style of game, with a few subtypes of each of those as well. So we shall start with the main types and branch out from there.
Action Games
Action game split into a few different subcategories. Action games focus on hand-eye coordination and basic motor functions of the player. The player is typically in control of all actions in the game itself. Most of the classic and original games started out as action games. Here are five examples of action games.
Now some of the subtypes of action games are Platforms, Shooters, Fighting, Beat 'em Ups, Stealth, Survival, and Rhythm types. Now each one of these types varies depending on the skill set of the playstyle they use. Let's get into each one briefly and I will give you a game example.

- Platform Games - Platform games are based on a side to side scene scrolling action where the player uses his hand-eye coordination to time his jumping and climbing skills. The most popular version of a platform game was the early Super Mario Brothers games.
- Shooters - Shooters are typically either a first-person view or a third person view. Most shooters use some style of weaponry or in some case like Splatoon they use paintball guns. This style of the game mostly revolves around multiplayer gameplay. The first person view typically shows the players weapon and a targeting system with a heads up display. Where a third person view normally shows the players character along with the display. There are also a few subs to this style of game as well including Hero Shooters, Light Gun Shooters, and Shoot 'em ups.

- Fighting Games - Fighting games are generally focused on close combat between two different players. This style of game has become very popular in a competitive environment. Many games have capitalized this style like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Tekken. Most of these games focus on button combos and timing.

- Beat 'em Up Games - Beat 'em up games are closely related to fighting games, but are different in the fact it is player vs multiple players or NPCs. Earlier games like Double Dragons, Streets of Rage, and Golden Axe. These games mostly consist of walking through levels and battling waves of enemies. Tactics and strategy play a good combination with button combos and great hand-eye coordination for fighting enemies while avoiding others.

- Stealth Games - Stealth games tend to focus on stealthy attacks and evading enemies. Rather than the run and gun and spray and pray style games. These games tend to focus on planning, patience, and tactical advantages. Games like Metal Gear, Uncharted, and Splinter Cell focus a great deal on hiding and avoiding the enemy, while also being able to take advantage of the enemy as well. Most of these games revolve around terrorism and espionage. Kind of like the James Bond of the game types.

- Survival Games - Survival games focus on surviving, and locating resources to make it through your game. Most of these games start you out with nothing in a dark scary hole somewhere unknown to the player. Games like Terraria, Minecraft and several other games focus mostly on gathering resources and crafting items to keep you alive. Now another style of survival game is the battle royal style. Games like PUBG, Fortnite, and Call of Duty focused on a style that pins players against each other with no resources except what they can find. Then it's every team or man for himself. The last one standing is the victor.

- Rhythm Games - Rhythm games are music-based games that involve well-timed button combos along with timed taps on a mobile device. With a few games, it does involve footwork to move with the beat and press buttons on a dance pad. Games like Dance Dance Revolution mostly dominate that section. There are also games that include an instrument as the controller too. Games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band mostly fit in that category. These game focus on the player's sense of rhythm and keeping a beat.

Well, that wraps up this article on action games. I figured I would make them slightly less boring and easier to read by breaking them up into parts. I do hope this did help bring you some understanding of what an action game is, and please look forward to the next part being Action-Adventure! I hope you all have an amazing fun filled day!
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