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Mr. Beard's Review
Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I honestly had no idea what to expect with this game. It is the first of its style that I do believe I have played? From what I understand is that it is a softened, or lite version of Final Fantasy XV. Something more easily playable for mobile? I am not too sure what the original intent was? I am fairly sure from my initial play that it was just redone for lower end platforms? Well, let us just get into the review!
Game Play

Wow, this game caused me a huge amount of issues. I had to reinstall it several times. It kept locking my phone up, overheating it, and even restarted it on it's own a few times. Now my phone is really old. It is a Galaxy 6S. I also did get this phone when it first came out. I am not sure if the technical issues were my phone or the game. However, when I did get time to play the actual game I really enjoyed this one. This one had a bit of exploration and a bit of an open world feeling. This does feel like a real Final Fantasy style game. You tap in the area around you to move around. Don't miss the sparkling spots while you explore! You talk to different people and accept quests, and fulfill and progress your story as you go. Or you can do what I did and just wander around and explore the area. They do have items and equipment like your typical RPG, and even a skill based system. Overall for what I was able to do in the time I got to play I gave it a full star!

The graphics remind me of playing a Nintendo Wii, or the old school N64. Just a lot smoother and appealing. I do enjoy the childlike cartoon feeling that they gave it. When I first saw this game the first thing I thought about was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I kind of got excited and thought maybe it was a game like that, but nope it was not. It was a fresh feel compared to their newer games with the more realistic graphics and cinematics though. So that was a nice little twist. I really did enjoy the feel of the graphics and to me gave the game a different sense of depth, so I gave it a full star.

Ok so I have not played Final Fantasy XV as of yet, but from a New Empire, and what I have seen in trailers, I really do not think they changed the music, sound effects, or story narrations at all. The music is very much like all the other Epic scores and soundtracks of past Final Fantasy games. This music is very emotionally driven with each scene and really helps you feel the story as you progress. You get the sense of a high-quality orchestra with a masterfully skilled instrumentalist. The music can be fun and calm as well as exciting and done with a sense to make you feel like you need to be urgent in the battles. I really did enjoy the music and I am looking forward to finding the soundtrack as well as find a way to play the game itself. I gave this a full star!

Well since only chapter one is free, what I did figure out part of the storyline. In the opening you see our main characters trying to save the king from battle happening at the kingdom. Then it moves to what I think could be the past where the Prince is talking to the king and sets off on his adventure to meet his princess. Then your car breaks down. You get stuck pushing it into town, and that is where the game actually gets played. I did not get much further into the story at this point because I got caught up in exploring and learning the mechanics of the game itself. From what I know of past stories and how a Final Fantasy storyline does work I will be looking into getting money to get the full set of chapters or even the game itself if it runs on my PC. Overall I gave the story a full star.
Replay Value

For me when it comes to an RPG I love to explore and learn every little bit I can about a game. That is what makes this so hard for me to do daily first impression reviews. I have a list of almost 20 games already waiting to be finished. I do see a lot of replay value for the story to be apart of and for the exploration value. Who knows, there may even be hidden gems out there somewhere! I remember in Final Fantasy 7, I think it was, I had to replay several times to try and get Diablo. Man, I need a Playstation again. Overall because of my high hopes for the story I gave this a full star!

I am looking forward to fully playing through this game overall. I do however just need to figure out how to pay for it. Which I think will not be too big of a deal in the long run. I may even look into a full version of the real game itself. That is of course if it runs on this PC. I did really enjoy running around and exploring the area in this game so far. To me, that is what really makes an RPG the best. You are Role Playing a character, and the exploration gives you that sense of freedom to do as you want in the game without being tied down to a linear story. Well, that is all I have for this review. I do hope you enjoyed it, and hope you all have a fantastic day!
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Official Site!
Great article. Thank You