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Mr. Beard's Review
Black Survival
Mobile & PC Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Ok so for this style of game it is both for PC and for Mobile. I played the PC version, so I do not know the differences between the two, or even if there is a difference. This is classified as a survival game, but it feels more like a survival RPG style to me. As you read through the review you will understand. This for me is something completely new and out of my typical game style. For one it seems very horror based. Well let's just get into this review, shall we?
Game Play

Ok, so to me this is a very horror based survival RPG. By that I mean you need to scavenge around different areas on the map and collect parts to increase your weapons and armor. You need to do it fast because each area becomes a no go zone. You can increase your chances each round with special items and whatnot, but at the beginning of each round, you start with nothing. You have to try collecting everything while others are doing the same. They also can bump into you and attack you as your searching. There is a crafting part of this game for the items you find to increase the power of your weapons and armor. Now each area is not really an explorative map so to speak. It is more of a single background you just click on and collect random items, engage in random battles, or get attacked by other players. Overall this style is new to me and I did enjoy it, so I gave it a full star!

This music is very upbeat and dark in nature. Almost like an action-packed demon anime fight scene. The scenes and battles were a bit of the same style of music. I found it for me a bit distracting simply cause this was not my typical style of game. It is not that I did not enjoy it, it simply was that I was just rushing to not get my booty whipped and collect items I needed for my weapons. It just became a distraction for me and made me feel anxious. I did still enjoy it and it suited the game very well, so I gave this a full star!

These graphics were very anime oriented. It almost felt as if though I was playing an interactive color manga. There are very little animations. It is mostly one or two framed animations. These are darker more sinister graphics. It is after all that seems to be a nuclear-wasted island. You and several other subjects are fighting for your lives, so there is a bit of blood and violence in there as well. Overall it was nicely done, and I gave it a full star.

Ok, so what I can understand of the story so far is that you are a test subject for a science corporation stuck on an island fighting for your life. This story reminded me of a game from back on Playstation that I really did enjoy playing and that game was called Gallerians. Both main playable characters are test subjects, you either get freed or break out. Then you're pitted against other test subjects in a fight for survival. I mean there are differences, but in all, it is fairly similar. This game also reminded me of a Resident Evil feel, just without zombies. Overall it is a sound storyline and I would like to find out how it goes. So for that, I gave it a full star!
Replay Value

I do see a lot of competitive replay value in this game. Also with the given fact that no two games are similar by any means gives it a slight edge. yes, the areas are always the same, but the players you go against, the items you collect and the strategy you need to use has to always change. With events, and new additions always being added also give the game more replay value. So for that, I gave it a full star.

In all this is not my typical game style. I am a huge fan of anime and storylines so those two parts will keep me around till I figure out the story. There is not too much of an RPG style there, but the upgrades and the constant searching for items to give it that certain feel. After I learn the story I most likely will not be coming back to this game. It just is not for me. It does fit my areas of gameplay and what I think should be in each section whether I enjoy them or not. I do try to be very neutral when I review these games. I do hope you enjoyed this review, and have yourself a day full of survival and tactics!
Black Survival Official Steam Site
Black Survival Official Google Play Site
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