Rated Everyone
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Thor: War of Tapnarok
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Well with the name alone I am fairly sure you can figure out what kind of game this is. I do not mind these games when I am relaxing and watching a movie or just watching TV. Sometimes they can be fun. Plus this has Viking and Thor! Although playing this for an hour has completely worn my fingers out. Well, let's get on with the review!
Game Play

This game is very simple to play. As long as you can tap fast, and upgrade attacks and allies then you can easily beat this game. As you tap on monsters and defeat them you earn gold. you can use your gold to upgrade your attack, skills, and buy allies to fight with you. Or just use them so you do not have to attack. You can also upgrade your allies as you acquire gold. As you level up your allies they also get skills. I think their max level is one-thousand. They also have a bunch of power-ups you can purchase with gems as well. I have played and enjoyed loads of other games like these as well. Games like this are Tap Titans and Tower. Those are the main two I still play yet. Overall this is a fun little game with a nice Viking twist so I gave it a full star!

these are pretty fun animated cartoon style graphics. These can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. It is done very clean with nicely done animations. Overall I did enjoy these fun colorful graphics and gave it a full star.

The music almost sounds action-oriented, which I understand for this style of game. The bad thing is that constant screeching bird! If I could shut that thing up maybe it would not drown out the music so much. Between that bird, and the sound effects you can barely make out the music. Because of the bird and just the low tone of the music I gave it half a star.

Well, the big bad guy showed up to fight Thor, and God's finger came in and smashed him. I think that was the story? I honestly do not think there is anything outside that funny comic strip from the beginning? They did go to the effort of making a funny comic strip in the beginning so I had to at least give them half a star for that.
Replay Value

I know these games have a booty load of replay, simply because they are just never-ending. After days of beating your screen in you can choose to rebirth yourself. It basically starts you all over again with a bonus. Since I have been played Tap Titans and Tower for a few years now I can safely say this will get a full star.
I am still not 100% sure just yet if this will end up in my tap style gameplay list. Although it is very fun and I do enjoy it. Who knows, maybe I will play this one for a while instead of one of the others to give them a break. My poor phone needs more of a break from the screen taps though if anything. I do hope you enjoyed the review, and hope you all have a taptastic day!
Thor: War of Tapnarok Official Google Play Site!
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