Rated Everyone 10+

Fantasy Violence
Mild Blood
Mr. Beard's Review
The Frostrune
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I really do not know how I find some of these games. When I saw this one on my list I had no idea how it got there. I know I wrote it down, but I simply do not remember why? These point and click style games are not something I typically play. These just are not my thing. I am going to try and remain neutral with this game, but I can promise it will be hard for me. To me, these are just interactive stories with only one direction. Let us jump right into this head first. That must be how I picked this game in the first place.
Game Play

Ok, so this is a single background point and click on your surroundings scavenger hunt. You basically need to find all the things you need in each scene to keep progressing your story. It does take a bit of detective work, but also loads of taps on the screen. A lot of stuff is not easily noticeable. So many wasted hints trying to find obvious things right in front of me. As you find your items they do get saved into a bag you are carrying. Aside from all that, the only thing you really need to do is find all the items, combine what you need and use them in key places. So much running back and forth. Well, there really is not any running, it is more like switching screens. Overall it is very hard for me to enjoy a game style like this, but it is very simple as long as you can find things hidden in the opening. So for that, I gave it half a star.

These graphics are single scene background graphics. No real animations or HD visuals. Just plain simple canvas painted style backgrounds. In all honesty aside from trying to explain a single scene in detail, there really is not much to touch on. These are great renderings, and they are done in a very medieval feel. Or more like in the days of Vikings. Overall I will give it a full star for the style they used.

The music is very subtle and almost eerie like. It seems to be Celtic in nature I think? You are supposed to select a language in the beginning and I chose English obviously but all the narration instill in another language. At least my subtitles are in English. Between the ambient sounds and what little music there is, it tries to give you that eerie scary horror style of emotionally driven game progression. I am not sure if this is supposed to be a horror adventure game or not, but it sure does make my hair stand on end. Overall I did give it a full star. It does give a serious depth and feel to the game. The music is more of an added feature to give you a certain feeling, not just a feature on its own.

Wow, am I confused. Ok, so I know you are a girl, and you are chosen to stop something and close the gates? I think that is what I figured out so far. It was really hard for me to follow the narration because I am listening to it in one language and reading it another. Plus it has the feel of being slightly ridding like. I found myself more or less just clicking around on everything more so than trying to follow a story. So for that, I gave it half a star.
Replay Value

After you figure out where to go and get to the end of the story is there really a reason to do it again? I honestly can not find any replay value in this at all. If anyone out there that reads this and has played the game, then please let me know in the comments below what you think of this game. I do not see any replay value at all after completing it. So for that, I gave it an empty star.
Now I do know a lot of people enjoy games like these. Myself personally I just do not see any gameplay value in them at all for me. They just seem like a once and done game. If it had a very compelling story then just maybe I would play it further, but as it stands right now I highly doubt it. Unless I play it through and make a walkthrough for it. I might just possibly do that. That is, of course, there are people out there who would enjoy this game and play it and want me to make one. Only time will tell I suppose. I do hope you enjoyed the review, and have yourself a very adventurous day!
The Frostrune Official Site!
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