Animated Violence
Mr. Beard's Review
WarCraft 2 Tides of Darkness
PC Game

Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
This was definitely a plus to try! I really need to stop trying these games. Soo I will not have any time to play anything. I do want to complete the first one and now this one. I think I need to hire a writer and a social media secretary. These games and my medication has put me a little behind. I am working to get everything caught up though. Also, I do have my Adventures with Mr. Beard in the Lands of Eorzea working. I did not like my formats with a blog so I may make them a webpage and do it like a visual novel instead. So shall we get into this review?
Game Play




The Second WarThe First War brought the Fall of Azeroth, following the Orc campaign in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. The survivors of Azeroth have fled by sea to the Human kingdom of Lordaeron, and the Orcs have decided to conquer Lordaeron, in what is known as the Second War. Both sides have acquired allies and new capabilities, including naval and air units, and more powerful spellcasters.After reading through that it makes me feel as though I may have missed some games somewhere? I do enjoy the little pieces of the story I get as I progress through the game. This is a story all in its own and nothing else comes close to being simpler to it. For that, I gave it a full star.
In the Second War, the Orcs are successful at first, but the Humans and their allies take the initiative, partly thanks to an Orc rebellion initiated by the warlock Gul'dan, who seeks and raises the sunken Tomb of Sargeras. Eventually, the Alliance forces push the Horde to Blackrock Spire, but Anduin Lothar, commander of the Alliance, is slain there. At the final battle around the Dark Portal in Azeroth, the Alliance exterminates one Orc clan and captures the Orc supreme commander and the remnants of his forces. Hoping to avoid further invasions, the Alliance destroys the Portal.
Through the PortalAfter the Second War the Alliance lost the allegiance of the Elves, who thought the Alliance had not done enough to defend the Elves' home, and of two Human kingdoms, which advocated exterminating the remaining Orcs rather than keeping them in captivity. One Orc clan that had fought in the Second War's final battle was unaccounted for. Although the Dark Portal had been destroyed, a tear, in reality, hovered over the ruin. A few years later, the Portal and rift were hidden by strange darkness, and there were the sounds of hundreds of warriors rushing away through the rift, followed by shrieking Dragons, and finally by the repeating phrase, "We will return..." When the darkness lifted, Alliance scouts found the ground around the Portal trampled to mud – apparently, the elusive Orc clan had escaped to their race's homeworld, Draenor.
The greatest Orc shaman led an army from Draenor into Azeroth, apparently hoping to steal magical artifacts with which to create further Portals. The Alliance, expecting an attack, sent through the Portal an army led by the Alliance's supreme commander, its greatest heroes and the mage who had destroyed the Azeroth Portal. It seems they destroyed the counterpart of the Azeroth Portal, but it was not known whether the force escaped from Draenor. - WarCraft 2 Wiki
Replay Value

I will be playing through this completely and enjoying every bit of it. This is really a fun RTS game and has a nice way to bring you into the history and the story of WarCraft. I am glad a friend of mine sent me these two games and do look forward to playing them both out. I hope these reviews helped you out and I hope you all have a masterful day!
WarCraft Official Page
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