Rated Teen
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I keep seeing the pop-up ads for this and Final Fantasy XV so I figured I would do these two next. Now I am a huge Final Fantasy fan, but not a fan of these game types. I have always skipped over the mobile versions of the series because I was always worried it would ruin the franchise for me. I guess we will just dive right on in and learn what we can!
Game Play

Well, so far the game is a fair mix of all the characters from all the past and present Final Fantasy Games. There is no free roaming, it is just a single background map that you pick ponts on to initiate a battle. It is the same basic battles as most Final Fantasy games. It does have a summoning feature for equipment that you can also level up as well. I am wondering though if there will be a time to summon new characters, or if you just gain them from playing the quests. I only see weapons in the summoning shop. The constant downloading is kind of a pain and makes me wonder how much room I'm loosing to this game on my phone. I picked the standard download at the beginning of the game, so I do not know why I still have to keep downloading more. Overall out of fear of how the linear progression works and the simple weapon upgrades to power your characters make me nervous. To me, it feels like it lost something a Final Fantasy game was. Yeah, it still has the characters we all love, but it just leaves me feeling nervous and that something is missing. I gave the gameplay half a star. It just did not feel right.


The graphics give me a refreshed feeling to the characters and enemies we all know and love. Although they have been given what seems to me like a chibi makeover. I am not complaining in no way at all. It gives it a sense that this takes place in the characters younger days. The characters are done in a 3D design which does give a good feel of depth to some of the older characters. The backgrounds and menus are your basic 2D graphics. When I look through the weapons in the stores I can see they kept a lot of the original designs for both the characters and weapons. With the minor exception the characters just looking chibi. Overall I gave the design department a full star for their graphics!

There really is not much I can say for the music. It is still a huge combination of all the soundtracks we grew to love from the franchise. Being someone who literally owns all the soundtracks on his phone, there is not a song on here I did not recognize yet. It does make sense to me in a marketing sense, and also the theme of their story and the style of game. I wonder if they made any new songs just for this game? I may have to look! Because I doubt anyone would disagree that the Final Fantasy franchise did produce some amazing music. I gave this a full star!

I am still so confused by what is happening here in this story. Let me see if I have this right. What my guess is there are these Torsions that are tearing the different worlds apart, and the Crystal God has summoned Mog to gather the children of the light to seal each of these tears. Now let me see if I can find the story and see how close my guess is so far. I did not find any real definitive answer to the story except that it is a drama filled story and blah blah blah. Yeah, we get that. I mean if what I understand is right then this could be a pretty good storyline. I mean it worked for Kingdom Hearts right? Overall I gave the story a full star.
Replay value

Ok, so when I was looking for the story I did see that there are chapters and what could be an end game scenario. I do not see any competitive playing options just yet. So it makes me wonder if this is just the same as a normal Final Fantasy game. Once you beat it, then that is it. You either loved the game and replayed it for all the things you missed or just to enjoy the story all over again. So far the only thing that really has my interest is the story. There is not any hidden secrets, no hidden weapons, no actual world to explore or characters to develop. And no rumors of Aerith sleep with Cloud if you got the dress just right when you take her back home. Dear lord, do you all remember that rumor? Overall I gave replay value a half star.

I will be playing this game fully to the end just for the story, but since I know it is chapter based and I will not be missing anything serious I will not be making this game a priority in my gaming schedule. It will be more of an interactive story for me. I think it all boils down to the lack of exploration, the searching for Summons, Aeons, and treasure than anything. The other thing I loved about the Final Fantasy franchise was how I got involved in the development of the characters. How I grew to learn who they were on our adventures. Almost like they were a brother or sister. To me, that is what always made a real Final Fantasy game. This just seems to lack that. Maybe, just maybe it will pick up as I progress through the game, I seriously doubt it though because I did peek at some reviews while I searched for an actual story. Well, I am done rambling on now, I do hope you enjoyed this review and have a Fantasy filled day!
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