Tapsonic Top: Music Grand Prix Mobile Game Review!
Rated Everyone
Digital Purchases
Mr.Beard's Review
Tapsonic Top: Music Grand Prix
Mobile Game
The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Wow ok, so when I was younger I loved games like DDR ( Dance Dance Revolution), Amplitude, Frequency, Guitar Hero, and MTV Music Generator. When I grabbed today's game I was figuring it would be more of a taping game like Tap Titans, or something in the field. I was not expecting a game like this at all. This is kind of like DDR and Guitar Hero for your phone, Just with Japanese music? I do believe it is all Japanese music? Or maybe it is Korean Idol music? Please correct me if I am wrong!
Also, today's review will be a special review! I have had this phone for almost four years now and I have just learned something new about it today! I can record gameplay footage easily just from the phone itself! So today's review will also have actual gameplay! Not a full hour of the gameplay mind you. Just some clips. So let us get this started!
Game Play
Wow, this is a very fun tap with the beat music style game. You can also recruit stars (characters) for your band. In case you have not figured it out yet, music basically runs my life. I always have my playlists running on my phone or PC while I am working. I enjoy music of all types from all over the world. There are some styles I do not like, but that's mostly the really heavy violence, drugs and just not easy listening types. So anyway the gameplay! Tapsonic is like Guitar Hero and DDR, just with a touch screen instead. I will not lie. I may have gone over my initial hour playing this game, but that is only because I was trying to figure out the on-screen game recorder. Ok, I keep getting sidetracked here this morning. More about the game! Also with your recruits, you can enhance them for better performances and higher grades on your songs. Now I did not get into all the extra features as much as I wanted to because I just jumped in and played the game more than anything. They do have a story mode and the online Grand Prix where you compete against others. I sadly did not really get into it besides just trying it. Overall with the style of gameplay and features I gave this a full star!
The graphics style is very anime. I mean there is no bordering anything here. This is full of anime style art. A lot of the animation is single frame visuals, but there are a few great animation scenes. The gameplay art itself is very animated and has the same look you would see with a classic Guitar Hero game. I hate to keep referencing that game, but this is like a mobile Japanese anime version. I do enjoy the clean high-quality art styles. For me the character designs are amazing and I will be more than likely drawing some for myself. Everyone needs new wall decorations, so why not? I gave this part of the game a full star!
If you love K-Pop, Anime Soundtracks or just that style of music in general then you will definitely enjoy this game. As you progress further into the game you unlock new songs to play, or you can even jump into the shop and purchase them. There is way more music on here than I originally realized. Overall I enjoyed the music very much and for that I gave it a full star!
There is a fairly decent storyline that goes along with this game. Along with backstories for the characters as well. As you play through story mode you will learn more about the games back story. Sadly I was more interested in the actual gameplay and not too much with the story. I figured I would go back later and read through it. Yup even while writing this review I still can not figure out how to. I hope I did not miss my chance of a great story. I really need to learn to be more patient with these things. From what I do remember though, is that you are a new and upcoming producer looking to win the Music Grand Prix. The universe is more or less ran by music. You can hire new recruits for your band or develop the ones you have. As I push through the story mode I did find some great comedic parts where basically your band thinks your a flop, and they are not afraid to let you know. Overall I enjoyed the story quite a bit from what I remembered and for that, I gave it a full star.
Replay Value
Wow with the number of songs, plus the songs they keep adding, you will always be coming back for more. Unless your just not into this style of music, or the art, or the story. I do not know. I personally could sit here with this on my desk playing the music over an over just listening to it while I work. It is a very upbeat fun gaming experience. So for that, I gave it a full star! Yes, I am now addicted!
Overall I know I will be playing this game a lot. I do enjoy the music, the challenge, and with my OCD I have to get every song perfect. After I beat this game to the fullest my thumbs alone will be able to Hulk Smash a planet. Well, I enjoyed this game a lot and hope you enjoyed the review, and I hope you all have a grand tapping good day! Google Play Store Page!
I think that my husband would like this game, I'll have to pass this review onto him!
ReplyDeleteI know I have become badly addicted to it. My thumbs are killing me but I am still here tapping! LOL