Rated Everyone
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mr. Beard's Review
Wakfu: The Brotherhood
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Ok, so I am working on a lot of Wakfu, and Dofus stuff. I will be working on an extensive review that will most likely be done in parts. There is a lot of content with an anime series, and games, and more. When I jumped into this series I did not realize just how big it was. I will still be hunting down daily games to review so that will not change at all. So now for the review!
Game Play

This game is super easy to play. Your character is basically a sliding attack. As enemies come down the screen you tap and slide your character to your tap and hit the enemies. There is an enemy that can hurt you and you get two lives to finish the board. There are only fifteen boards to this game. I finished this game and unlocked all the characters just around two hours. There are also only seven characters to choose from and unlock. I had to play level fifteen a handful of times just to earn enough to unlock the last two characters. This game is also full of ads for the actual Wakfu game itself. As short as it is I wonder if this is just something fun they made to promote Wakfu further. Overall I gave it a full star for gameplay. The game is fun and simple and easy to play.

The graphics again are definitely unique to the series and carries over from the game and the animated series. I do enjoy these graphics and animations. These will be something I can sit back and doodle and recreate myself as fan art. Overall I gave the graphics a full star.

There is music in the game, but for some reason, it just does not feel like it fits this game to me. I think there is only one song too it. Considering how short this game is I can understand why. Overall I gave the music half a star.

Well, I am not too sure it is really a story but you play as one of seven characters and help Yugo fight off and defeat Nox. Yeah, that is really all that is to this game. Sadly I do believe there could have been more done with that game, but again this is why I feel that this game was merely a promotional tool to bring more people to Wakfu. I had to give this an empty star because there just really is not anything there.
Replay Value

Yeah, it took me about two hours to complete this game and unlock everything. There just is nothing else to do with it. I wonder if they could have incorporated something like a code into the game to unlock a special piece of equipment or something in the actual game itself? I mean that would have made this game much more enjoyable to play and beat. It would have given it more purpose and replay value at least? Overall I had to give this an empty star.
All together I truly did enjoy this game. I do wish there was more to it, but I can see and understand why there is not more to it. Although it would have been nice to earn a reward in the original game or something after completing this game. Well, that is all I have for a review on Wakfu: The Brotherhood! I hope you all enjoyed the review and may the Wakfu be with you!
Official Google Play Wakfu: The Brotherhood Site
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