Animated Violence
Mr. Beard's Review
WarCraft Orcs & Humans
PC Game

Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I can honestly say this is the first time I am playing any Warcraft games. I have always been a big fan of Real Time Strategy games, but I simply just never heard of this. My go to games were always the Command and Conquer series. This was a very fun series to jump into and I will be adding reviews as I buy the next set of WarCraft games. So let's get this review started!
Game Play




"The Orcs originated from another world, Draenor, where the orcs, once a peaceful race, became bloodthirsty from the blood of a pit lord. However, their Warlocks remained aloof, devoting their time to the research of magic. The Warlocks noticed a rift between the dimensions and, after many years, opened a small portal to another world. One Warlock explored and found a region, called Azeroth by its Human inhabitants, from which the Warlock returned with strange plants as evidence of his discovery. The Orcs enlarged the portal until they could transport seven warriors, who massacred a Human village. The raiding party brought back samples of good food and fine workmanship, and a report that the Humans were defenseless. The Orcs' raiding parties grew larger and bolder until they assaulted Azeroth's principal castle. However, the Humans had been training warriors of their own, especially the mounted, heavily armed Knights. These, assisted by Human Sorcerers, gradually forced the Orcs to retreat through the portal, which the Humans had not discovered. For the next fifteen years, one faction of Orcs demanded that the portal be closed. However, chief of exceptional cunning realized that the Humans, although out-numbered, had prevailed through the use of superior tactics, organization, and by magic. He united the clans, imposed discipline on their army and sought new magic from the Warlocks and Necromancers. Their combined forces were ready to overthrow the Humans." - WarCraft WikiThis is a long-standing storyline. It has been around for many games and even a movie. This is a very unique and different story all in its own right. Overall now that I have played this one I do look forward to the rest. For that, I gave it a full star.
Replay Value

This did turn out to be a really fun and great game for me. I really did enjoy it and it brought back a lot of old school RTS memories for me. I know I will be finishing this game up just as well as the others I play. I do hope you all enjoyed the review and have an amazing day!
WarCraft Site
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