Rated Everyone
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Mr. Beard's Review
Mobfish Hunter
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
This was another one of my Blast App Game missions. I have been working so hard on a few different things and figured I would cheat just a little with my daily reviews. I decided since I will be working with my new Journal Based Final Fantasy Posts that I would start using my missions games from the Blast App for a few posts. I am sure you all will not mind because some of these games really turned out to be great fun games. So let us just right into this game!
Game Play

This turned out to be a very fun and simple game to play. You do have two different ways to play it. you can either tilt your phone to control the direction at which your cyclone engine falls and resurfaces, or you can change it to use your touch screen. Since I have never played a game with the tilt function on my phone I kept it as it was intended. I mean they went through the trouble of incorporating the tilt function, so why not use it? The object of the game is to throw your engine in and avoid the Mobfish as it dives into the water. Once it reaches its maximum depth it returns to the surface at which point you need to hit as many fish as possible on your way back up. You do get coins for each type of Mobfish you manage to hit on your way back up. Now once you have enough coins you can buy new upgrades, weapons and more. So far I did not get to look into the store too often. I was more interested in hitting the fish. There are also quests, hunters logs and more to add more depth to this game. Overall for my first impression of this game I have really enjoyed it and gave it a full star!


These graphics are fun colorful animations. They are very vibrant and eye appealing. The designs of the Mobfish are very different and unique as well as the character design and the overall environments. I really enjoyed the feel of the clean graphics. I may do some fan art of these fish for my Pinterest page as well one day. Overall I gave the graphics a full star!

The music is very theatrical and a bit of a tribal feel to it. It kind of reminds me of a fun style gothic Castlevania style music. The music seems like an organ style play with tribal drums. I did enjoy this fun music but I am not too sure it fits with this game. It picks up heavy and fast and then just stops, It builds anticipation and then just let's go. Overall I still gave this a full star!

From what I understand so far the story works around toxins dumped into the water mutating the fish in the area into something called Mobfish, and it is your job to clean the waters of these mutated Mobfish. This is a very new concept as far as storylines go for games. It is definitely unique and different. Whether the story continues after the opening scenes is unknown to me at this point. I do feel that it is just at the beginning to give you a sense or a reason you are attacking these Mobfish. For the new and innovatively unique story, I gave it a full star!
Replay Value

I do not know how well the replay value will hold up in this game. I am concerned that after you finally collect all the upgrades and engines the game will lose its appeal. I do feel the game will have a long life span for play though. I just do not feel it is something you can come back to and play again after completion. Overall out of a bit of worry for the fact that there might not be anything left besides increasing your scores I gave it half a star.

This for me was a very fun and new game to play shortly after my initial hour of playing even while I wrote this I did continue to keep playing. I am a little hooked on this game. The fact that it gives you stamina that you use for each dive gave me breaks in which I can type up my review. The simple fact that all I need to do is just sit here and tilt my phone around made this game so much easier and fun to play! I do hope you enjoyed this review and hope you all go and check it out. I also hope you have an amazing day full of fishing fun!
Google Play Mobfish Hunter Official Page!
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