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Mr. Beard's Review
Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn
PC Game
The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I had no choice! They held my Chocobo hostage! I had to do this review!! Well not really. I try to avoid subscription based games simply because I do not have the funds to keep them going. I do love the franchise and the series and with my Amazon Prime and Twitch Affiliate status I did manage to get a free code and one month free so I figured why not! Now I just know I am going to need to come up with the extra $13.00 a month for this game. I just know I will get hooked. I did think of something fun to do if I can manage to keep this going through! An adventurers log! basically a day to day log of my adventures in a journalistic story format! That should be fun! Ok, enough babbling lets get this review done! That is why you are here after all right!
Game Play
Wow, there really is a lot involved in this game. There are different classes like Archers, Mages, Warriors, and more. Then you have several different races. They have hunting logs, crafting logs, side quests, the main story quest. In my first hour of play, I did feel overwhelmed, but I think that was more due to the fact I felt like I was exploring a whole new world. I did spend the first hour and a little longer running around doing the tutorial quests in my home city of Gridania. So I did not get too much time to explore in the first hour aside from trying to figure out my keyboard keys and exploring the menus. I even managed to get myself lost in my home city because I had my map disabled. Overall though I gave this game a full star for the wide variety of things to do. It still amazes me how far this franchise has come.
These graphics still amaze me. I am not one for newer realistic graphics, I am more of an old school lover. The detail they put into the environments and everything in this game really are wonderful. Even with everything turned down to their lowest setting just to get this to run on my PC still looked great. The graphics, animations, cut scenes, and everything with it has a realistic approach. I think I spent a lot of time just looking at the scenery. For that, I gave it a full star!
This is your classic Final Fantasy Orchestra style music. Each area having its own feel and ambient background sounds really sets them apart. Battle music and encounter music still has the same as the rest of their series. It truly is a good mix of new and old soundtracks. The music is very good in quality and nothing old school feeling except the nostalgia of the song itself. Their classic songs have gained a nice upgrade to fit right in with the rest of the music. For that, I gave it a full star!
So far with the story, I do know from the Opening video that Eorzea had a huge massive battle. Bahamut was summoned and laid waste to the planet. The main cast of characters that pressed on in the war was reborn as the Warriors of the Light. Yet no one can remember who they were from the original battle? That is as far as I got with the storyline so far. I am really looking forward to progressing in this storyline. If what I am guessing is correct this does have a similar storyline like Final Fantasy Legends from the Gameboy. The Crystal teleports the Warriors of the Light to the past and they get a second chance to stop the great war. But also thinking about it, this also has the same style story from a lot of other Final Fantasy games as well. They really are epic wonderous tales. For that, I gave it a full star.
Replay Value
Well after you get through your storyline with one character and his race and class you can do it all over again with a new race and a new class. Or you can just keep adventuring and a mass yourself a very high standing in the social platform of the game as well. There is just so much to accomplish and do in this game, and as long as your a fan of the series and one of those people like me then you will be playing this game for a long time to come. This game has been around for more the five years. I ran into a few people in my home city that have been playing this since day one! Do you realize just how many possible hours they have invested in this game? They were telling me just how packed the servers were just before Final Fantasy XV hit. Yet I still see Twenty or more people running around at all times. For that, I had to give this game a full star!
This may be a long time project to take on. I would love to do an extended adventure log type of story posts. I just need to figure out how to pay the monthly subscription base. If I can not afford it then at least I can do it for my thirty days. Either way, I will be enjoying this game to it's fullest that I can. I have dedicated at least four to five hours nightly just to this fun little project I am going to do. I figured every quest I take on, a new area I find, a monster I encounter, and craft I make. I will make a full detailed list of everything and how and where I did them. Right down to the weakness and strengths of monsters. Overall I do hope you enjoyed this review and hope you all have an adventurous day! Final Fantasy a Realm Reborn Official Site
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