Rated Everyone
Mild Fantasy Violence
Digital Purchase
Mr.Beard's Review
World of Warships
PC, Mobile & Console Game
The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Wow, this game kicked my butt today! I had to drop everything in this game to it's lowest settings. I came out on top and got some great gameplay in and even got some great views on this game. Even though everything was dropped to the lowest setting, it still gave me a great semi-smooth experience. I made sure to take into account for my lack of PC power on this review. I was still very pleased with this game, and will probably play it a bit more when I find free time. Now on for the review!
Game Play
I really enjoyed this gameplay. Although steering my destroyer and trying to aim was one heck of a task with my PC. The only way I was able to get good stable play was in co-op vs the bots. I tried playing in a big match against other players but my PC jumped off the desk and hid in the corner crying. It took me two hours just to get it to come back. This is a battleship style action game. They give you basic ships to start and as you play and gain your stars (XP) you can use your stars to research new improvements for your ships. Anything past that and the co-op I am not too familiar with. I stuck to the areas I could play. For what I have experienced I enjoyed blasting a hole through the halls of the enemy! For this simple fact, I gave it a full star!
I did try this game with everything set to high just to get a quick glimpse of the graphics. Man, they were great. They have a highly realistic feel, the animations were smooth. Even set to it's lowest setting this game still looked amazing. I do not typically go for realistic looking games simply because I prefer my anime, cartoon, or just play old school graphics. This was very well done even for a free to play game. I will not lie I did really enjoy the attention to detail on these boats. I just have no words to describe how incredibly upset I got when someone shot my Destroyer and scratch my paint job! I mean come on! Who shoots at someone driving in circles just to get a good side view screenshot of his boat? Stupid bots. For the crisp clean graphics and the great attention to detail on these boats is why I gave it a full star!
Well, this part gets a free pass and an automatic full star. Right from the start, I had to turn off all the sound. I had to do a lot of sliming down on the settings to get a smooth play through. So I honestly did not get a chance to listen to any of the music, but the sound FX were good? That guy constantly yelling about the fires was odd? Who would have thought a giant metal ship would be so afraid of fires? My first thought when I heard him tell me about the fires was, " We're in the middle of the ocean use the dang water to put it out!" Yes, I do believe I got carried away at some point and yelled at him. As I should have guessed it did me no good at all. So full star for music it is! If you can give me a good personal review in the comments below I will gladly add your comment to the review and update it accordingly!
I did not see anything even remotely close to being part of a story. Is there a campaign mode I missed? This is a game with amazing warships from great eras. I do not see how they could not have added some storyline from a classic battle. Until I can find something or someone fills me in I have to give this great game an empty star.
Replay Value
Wow, I can play this game all day long if I let myself go. I need more boats! The way they have the research set up for upgrades, and to purchase new boats is great! That is just a small part of it. If I can find a way to play real people I will be out hunting down boats just to sink them. If you have a healthy competitive vibe, then you would fit in great here. This is not just another Fortnite run and shoot and pray game. You have to maintain your boat at safe speeds, Always keep your enemies to your sides, know their boats ranges and always be willing to hide behind an island. For that reason, I gave this a full star!
Wow, this is one of those games I did not expect to enjoy so much. The only things I think I could add to something like this would be old pirate ships and some story. I downloaded this game through Steam, my name on here like every other game I play is MBRTV. COME AT ME ummm... MATE!!!
SUCK MY .... well I guess you know what I can add here that would be very fitting! Wow, I had too much fun playing this. It might be dangerous for me to have a headset and play this game. Well, I hope you enjoyed today's game of choice as much as I have, and I hope you do not sink in the cold weather ahead! Official Site Official Steam Site
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