Rated Everyone
Digital Purchases
Mr.Beard's Review
Cell to Singularity
PC & mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Well, I had plans for a theme of survival games this week. I guess this could be considered a survival game, but the weirdest thing is. When I woke up this morning this game was downloaded and installed already? I honestly do not know how or where it came from. I may have downloaded it on accident searching through Steam. I honestly could not tell you. I only know it was added through Steam because my Steam starts up when I run the game. So it had to have come from Steam. Well, I must have had a plan for it so let's get on with the review!
Game Play

Ok, this is a very click-friendly game. Between Tapsonic and this game when people see my hands they will start to think I skipped body day at the gym. Ok, the short simple and sweet mechanics. Evolve a planet and create life. You start with a rock near the sun, then develop it by adding gases, ozone, volcanoes and so on. Then you add Amino Acids. Amino acids and many other additions to your plant give you entropy. Entropy is used to evolve everything on your planet. You can click like your planets life depends on it, or just keep developing it and let the entropy build over time. In a nutshell that is all, there is to this game? So far the furthest I got was fish. That was only in an hour of gameplay though. Overall this is a very simple and easy game to play and I am enjoying it. I think I'm more curious to see what is at the end. For that, I gave it a full star!

The graphics themselves are simple easy low res graphics. I mean I can understand why to a degree. After adding thousands of Amino Acids, DNA cells and everything else I can only imagine how much PC power you would need for all of that. The animations and the actions of everything have me feeling like a bit more could be done. After adding a few fish I got nervous wondering if they were dead or not. In the cell stage view I can understand everything just floating around, but with the ocean view, my fish seem to float in the same way. So even seemed to just float around and not have a swim style. I can also understand that again to a degree because if you have a thousand fish swimming around, then your PC could be working hard. Overall I gave this a full star. I think they did great keeping things low so low-end PCs like mine could handle it.

I feel like I am listening to an instrumental opera playing this game. I feel like I know the song, but I just can not put my finger on it. This style of music makes me very relaxed and kind of sleepy to be honest. It seems like just one song on loop. I also feel like a swan will pop up somewhere and start dancing. I am just not sure if this music is a good fit for this game, but I have also never played a game like this before anyway, so I am not sure what would be? Maybe some loud heavy metal, or Ozzy! Yeah, I doubt that would fit either. I do like the music. I typically listen to loads of different music from all over the world. Opera style music I tend to listen to when I try to relax and unwind. Overall I still gave it a full star just because I have no idea what could fit in the game style.

Well, there is none? At least I have yet to see any type of story besides what you create by building your planet and evolving it. Maybe there is a story involved as you develop the game? This game seems fairly straight forward so I really do not see any signs of anything pointing to any kind of story. For this, I had to give it an empty star.
Replay Value

Now I have not got far into this game yet, but my thought is, will there be different outcomes depending on how you evolve and develop your planet? Or is this just keep clicking till the end and select everything possible. Will some species destroy others in the end? If I add too many high end predators will they eat all of the humans I make later? Will humans just destroy everything and leave to another planet? I have no idea how or what direction this game goes or the possibilities it could have. So with all these ideas swirling in my head and the hopes that I can make a race of people mixed with cats, then heck yeah it has replay value! For that, I will give it a full star!

Now I have spent most of the morning playing this game, well it has been running in the background the most. Occasionally I just went back to it and checked to see if I had enough entropy to develop the next thing. With me I love science a lot, I do want to see how this game progresses, and if there are multiple paths you can explore with different outcomes. That is my hopes for it anyway. I have no idea so I guess I will find out. I do hope you enjoyed this review and you develop yourself an amazing day!
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