Rated Mature 17+
Intense Violence
Mr.Beard's Review
Team Fortress 2
PC & Console Game

Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Well, this certainly was a fun game! I am not typically someone who plays FPS games on PC, well honestly because by the time my PC realizes I shot someone, two hundred people already shot me. There was a lot to this game, and sadly with only one hour to do a quick test was not enough. Although it did leave me wanting to come back and play it more! This game was suggested and found on steam for free! So that is an even bigger bonus! Plus it does not take a lot to run. My PC was semi-fine playing it. I did however turn everything down to play it just to be on the safe side. Ok so on with the review!
Game Play

They also had a few game types as well. They included Control Points, King of the Hill, and Payload. The only one out of those besides training that I played was King of the Hill. They should have called it I am your new target in my case. Although I still did have fun. We will just chalk up my deaths as inexperienced. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.
There are also many playable character classes as well. I only had a short time to try a few of them. I did notice outside of training and in a regular game, there were way more. Some of the classes included Soldier, Demom, Spy, and Engineer. In training, I only used the regular soldier. Now during gameplay, I did try Engineer, Scout and Heavy Gunner I believe it was. I did enjoy the different styles of combat in each of those, and when I do get into FPS game I normally always go as a sniper/scout.
Now they also had some other things outside of gameplay to do to customize your class and enhance the game, but I only briefly looked at them and did not really get a chance to really get into them. They do have loadouts which I assume are ways you get to beef up your classes. They also have a stats section that shows just how bad I was in this game. I did see a Mann Co. Catalog which I am assuming is a list of everything you can buy to improve your classes. Then there was a trading, and war paints section as well. I could not even begin to think what those are used for yet.
So overall with the amount of stuff there is to do with this game I gave it a full star!



Replay Value

I will be jumping back into this game after I get my daily stuff done, and I may even be playing it fairly often when I have some free time. If you do play this game please feel free to give me a heads up and maybe you can teach me how not to die so much! I hope you enjoyed the review and have a bullet-dodging good day!
Official Site
Wikki Page
Steam Page! It's FREE!
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