Rated Teen
Suggestive Themes
Digital Purchases
Mr.Beard's Review
Alchemist Code
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
I am at a real loss for words with this game. I searched out games with storylines, and this game was a game recently added to the mission list on Blast. This game has so much going for it and so many things I enjoy most in a game. Although my first hour of gameplay did not get that far into the game. There is a good reason why. This game had me feeling overwhelmed in a very good way. I do know I have my new daily play game. So now for the review
Game Play

Ok, so there is a lot involved in this game. This is a truly heavy Turn-Based RPG style action game. This game so far for me has it all. This has summoning, customizable characters with equipment, abilities, different job classes. That is just the characters. I did not get too much time to play the actual game just yet. I was too busy working through the tutorials, exploring all the events, wasting so much money. right at the start of the game, they give you a lot of money, and of course, there are so many shops to buy so many things. Yeah, I wasted money on things I had no idea what I needed them for. All of that was just learning about the characters! This game is packed with quests, events, training grounds, story mode play and PVP (Player vs Player). Some characters as you level up have more of their story unlocked. now I do not know just yet if it has to do with the story mode or if it is just the character's back story. Overall there is just so much to do in this game, and then the story, and cinematics. I felt like my gamers joy button got smashed in on overload. This game got a full star on so many accounts!


Yeah, the graphics got a full star right from the start! I am a huge anime fan. I love seeing the art and even drawing it myself. The first ten or so minutes felt like an older style JRPG. If any of you have played Orphan or Wild Arms, then you have experienced a lot of the graphics styles in this game. The opening cinematic after a short game style cinematic there is an almost movie like anime opener. I was floored at that point. I knew right at that point this game was a winner for me. The animations, game graphics, battle graphics, and just the overall feel was very well done. Overall I can only go as high as a full star, so that's what it got.

The music has a high score and a wide variety. The music is very well done, and well planned. I was way overly involved in the tutorials and trying to learn everything about this game to really get to enjoy the music. The music is definitely emotional the opening, there are lyrics and singing as well. You get a very good feel for the game through the music. Even right down to the menu music was enjoyable for me. Overall I gave the music a full star.

I do not know where to start. Sadly I did not get far into the game. I am sorry. On the plus side, there is a story! From what I can tell so far it is a great story so far. I did manage to record the opening and some of the story! I just hope it recorded the right way. I do not know if there is a way to go back and rewatch them. I sure do hope there is a way. Overall I gave this storyline a full star!
Replay Value

In all honesty, it will take me a long time to get through this game. I take my time and explore everything in games I enjoy this much. From what I have seen with all of the events, new updates, added characters, and additional side quests, I just do not see this game not having replay value. Heck, I can not say for sure at this point just yet, but to me, it does seem to have some amazing replay value. Keep your eyes open because my adventures and the things I learn about this game will be shared here on this blog as I go. Then we will truly see if it has replay value. Until then I do believe it deserves a full star!

I am so sorry about this review if it seems like I am fanboying over here. I truly am. These are the games I live for! The games I enjoy the most. Now I do know I have not gotten far yet, so there still may be a chance I find something that turns me off to the game. I highly doubt that because of that opening. If there are more cinematics like that, then I may play it just for that reason. Nah who am I kidding, there are a lot of things I enjoy in this game so far. Well, I am going back to the game. I hope you all enjoyed my review and can summon yourself an amazing day!
Alchemist Code Official Site!
Alchemist Code Official Google Site!
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