Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year New Start!

Ok so this is the start of new and amazing things for me with MMS Designs, MBRTV, and the NEW MBATV!
MMS Designs is the foundation, the design department, the R&D department. It's the life blood of everything I aim to accomplish! MBRTV will be, and always be the same with newer additions being added as the year goes on. The New MBATV will be the fun exploration side to everything that is and will be. It's the test dummy of the entire operation! So lets just jump into some of the details of what I hope to accomplish this year!

MMS Designs
So MMS Designs is the hub, or the main department that runs the machine. It's the sales department, creation department, R&D department, and the design department. All things created for MBRTV, & MBATV will be made through MMS Designs. It's everything I am, and will be. Everything I make from handmade arts, crafts, paintings, digital graphics, animations, music and so much more will be done through MMS Designs. There is an Etsy shop where I am selling handmade items and crafts, the Facebook page to keep updated and also acts as a secondary shop, plus the almost finished website. There are also a few other places to buy swag, gear, art, t-shirts, hoodies, and so much more. I will be trying to do a monthly blog update for MMS designs at the end of each month. I will also be including new product updates and as they are finished.
     I have many things I'm working on as MMS Designs.I hope to establish this as a successful business, and grow it in a several different directions, all based around one style of products. MMS Designs will be a place you can buy handmade crafting projects, art, paintings, t-shirts and more. Along with being able to order anything you need graphically, and soon musically. I plan on working on building the brand, and the trademark for MMS Design and also find more ways to extend my reach to multiple platforms!

So now for MBRTV. MBRTV started out as a live broadcast of old school and retro games, but now it's taking the next step. It will become a live broadcast show again in the future, but till I get new equipment to do so I will be using it as a product and gaming review blog and possibly a channel! I do have the start of a YouTube Channel for MBRTV, but fell short trying to get it started due to technical and mechanical difficulties. Some of the things I will be doing as MBRTV is running a blog called MrBeardsReviewTV. Hopefully I will be able to find a way to do videos and a real review channel, but till then I'll be using the blog platform till I can scale myself up. A big majority of the reviews will be apps, games, shows and some product testing! I have a huge list of things already in the works for reviews. It's the organization of it all that boggles my head. So with that being said I will do everything I can to post a new review daily!

Ok now for the newest addition! MrBeardAdventureTV! MBATV is just that, it's going to be the test dummy of everything I'm going to try. Everything from traveling, exploring, testing products, trying new things, and just plain living life without thoughts or cares! I'm not 100% sure how exactly I want to start this part of it just yet but I will be doing a brainstorming blog each time I get new and crazy ideas for something. I have the basic concept, it's all just a matter of the build and fine tuning now! 

Well that's the updates, the what's going on , and the basics of everything I am trying to do! Now comes the long boring part of links to everything I have.
Plus I am also on every form of social media! So now you can all find me every where! Thanks for reading and I hope you all have an amazing new year!

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