Rated Teen
Digital Purchase
Mr.Beard's Review
Kingdom Rush
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Wow, I am so late with getting today's post even started. I recently discovered a show on Amazon prime call Under the Dome. This series has been keeping me up till the early hours of the morning. Even now while I work on today's post I have the episodes running in a smaller window on my screen. That way I can work on this and still see the next episode. So today I picked a random game from Blast again. Honestly, it was just the game on the top of the list so it got picked. So now off to the review!
Game Play

This is a fun little tower defense game. The gameplay itself seems fairly simple. This is an easy game to pick up and jump right into. When I look at the encyclopedia that is included in the game it shows there are twenty possible towers. There is also an upgrade system for the towers and information on each of the enemies. They also include a small section for tips and a strategy guide. The developers really did well giving the gamers enough help and information to easily play this game. There is also a hero in the game and a hero room, but I did not look into it yet. I am assuming it is like your king and gives your towers a stat bonus. Overall I really do like how they went out of their way to make sure the gamers had fun with this one. For that, I gave this game a full star!

These graphics are very simple, clean and cartoony. It has a childlike feel but almost like the game is pointed to more adults. Or children with a better understanding of simple upgrade mechanics. While I sat here watching my show and working out this post I found myself doodling some of the monsters from this game on a piece of scratch paper. These are fun and enjoyable graphics. For that, I gave it a full star!

The music is very instrumental and seems like music you would hear during the march of an army during battle. It is a bit drowned out by sound effects and does not have any way to turn it up or down. You can only turn the music on or off. The music fits into the games overall style. As for me personally, though I just muted it because the sound fx seem to just muddle it too much. Overall the music only is enjoyable and fits well with the game, and the one flaw with it does not give it a good enough reason to take anything from the rating. So in all, I gave it a full star!

I am not sure why, but there seem to be a lot of games without stories anymore. I can see simple bouncing block style games made just to get high scores, but this just amazes me. Ever since I can remember, games were made around a story. Made to help you interact with a story in a new way. Games seem to be losing that true sense of what it is to be a game. Now I could be wrong yet again and there might be a story for this game, but if there is I missed it somewhere. So sadly and regretfully I had to give this game an empty star.
Replay Value

Well for this game if you are one of the completist types like myself, then after you get all the towers and max them out I'm not too sure what left. There are twenty or so towers with a few upgrades for each. I have not noticed any events, or add-ons, or even a PVP (Player vs Player) mode to this game. This is a very fun little game for me and I will be casually playing with my spare time, but I do not think I will have enough to keep me coming back after I complete everything. For this, I gave it half a star.
Well, this game was certainly fun with its graphics and gameplay mechanics. I did enjoy playing this casually while I watched my show. This game will most likely take a little while to get through, earn the upgrades and the time it takes to defeat the waves. Overall I enjoyed this game. Hopefully, this review will give you an urge to give it a shot. I hope you all have an empowered day!
Kingdom Rush Official Site
Google Play Official Site
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