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Digital Purchases
Mr.Beard's Review
Mobile & PC (Mobile Game Review)
The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Oh boy. When I saw this pop up on the Blast App last night, I thought it would be fun to do a review for. I knew nothing about it at all, and the display picture Blast used for this game looked awesome. I really loved the artwork. However, when I went to Google Play to download it I saw a few pictures that made me a bit nervous. I did see it was also available for PC as well as mobile. I am not sure why, but a lot of game companies seem to be using adult themes in their presentations to drive sales. Thankfully though, that was just the sad case. Just because something seemed adult how it was presented was not that case with this game. I did a review not too long ago on a game called Destiny Child which uses adult suggestions to drive part of their game. Thankfully this game was nothing like that at all. Just bad picture representations on the ad teams part. So now let's get on with the review!
Game Play
Now, this is a gameplay style I did not expect at all. Then again I never know what to expect when I pick a game. This is a 2D Cartoony comic style fighting game. Almost like Street Fighter. There was a fairly heavy tutorial at the start of this game. Which for me was a good thing and a bad thing? I wanted to get into this game fairly quickly so I can start playing it and get a good feel for it, so I kind of pushed my way through the tutorial like an impatient baby wanting his bottle. This game for me had great controls and balance. It is a simple tap and slide style of attacking and combo moves. Now I am in no way an avid fan of fighting games. They just are not my preferred game style. Also, I do enjoy them sometimes. Since this was a fairly simple style fighting game and well balance button control system I gave this game a full star!
Thes graphics are something I feel a lot of people can really enjoy. There is a very good mix of cartoon coloring with a very well balance of comic and anime. The way they worked the animations is really smooth and does in no way take away from the art. I find that in a lot of games there are two styles of art. The bulk of the art is one main style, then animation and battles are another style. That is not the case with this game. The art and graphics are the same throughout the game. Overall I really enjoyed this art style and will more than likely follow up in trying to find the artists to see more. For that, I gave it a full star!
Ok, now I may be a little off describing this kind of music. It has a very old 50s style instrumental vibe to it. The way the graphics look, the feel of the backgrounds and characters, you get this very well balanced mix between the two. For me, this just seems like the perfect fit and style of music in this game. For that, I gave it a full star!
Ok, there is a real storyline here in this game. You get bits and pieces as you play through the story mode. Plus they do explain somethings on the load and wait screens. I think I do have a fairly good idea of the story, and I seriously hope I am not butchering the story but trying to piece it together just from a one-hour quick play through. If I mess this up and you know the game well please comment below! So there is a place called Canopy Kingdom that dealt with a huge war that greatly messed things up. A relic was found that granted wishes to any female that found it. No matter how pure the wish was, if the heart was impure the relic would twist the girl into a Skullgirl. There was a Queen who found the relic and made a wish for her kingdom to find peace, but instead, it twisted her into a Skullgirl, and the kingdom had to unite to defeat her. That is what I have gathered about the story so far. There is more to what I figured out, but I just gave you the short, short, short version. I just hope I did not mess it up. For me, this story is new and refreshing, something different. For that, I gave it a full star!
Replay Value
Ok like I said before. I am not one to seek out fighting games, simply because they just are not my preferred game style. I do enjoy them on a rare occasion though. I do know with a fighting game if it is a good story you enjoy then you will keep coming back to it. I know a lot of people who enjoy fighting style games like this always go back to improve their skills and battle others just to see who is best. I can not say for me personally that it will hold any replay value, but I do know for the audience it is aimed at that it will. I am trying to rate and judge these games not just from my view, but the view of the people they are made for. That is why I only do a one hour run on these games so I do not become too personally opinionated and possibly judge a game just from my own viewpoint. So for this game, I gave it a full star!
Well, this game was fun to play! I do like the new refreshing story to it. Well, it is new to me anyway. The only problem I have with this game is that it is a fighting game and this style is not really a go-to love to play and get too involved in it. Maybe it is just because I am more of a mutten bashing fool who prays I land a hit type of player. I did not let that persuade me from trying to give it a first impression review though. If I did enjoy this style like I know so many others do, then I would definitely be the guy who would go out of my way to beat the leaderboards. Sadly though, and this is at no fault of the game at all, I will probably stop playing when I just get bored of this type of game. For me personally, the artwork, graphics, and well-blended music are what got me through this game the most. Please do not let my personal gameplay style keep you from trying this awesome game out! I do hope you enjoyed this review, and hope you have a screen tapping, mutten bashing great day! Official Site Official Steam Site Official Google Play Site
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