Rated Everyone 10+
Fantasy Violence
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Mobile Game App

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Wow, this was a rough one to get done today! Now I was a huge fan of the franchise for the first two games. I kind of fell away from the series due to personal life adjustments and was just never able to get back to any of them until this game. So I do have some familiarity with the series. I did get through the tutorial and a very small amount of actual gaming with this. I do have really fast wifi, so I did not think anything of it when I selected the high-resolution download after the tutorial, and it took me two hours to download it! So a huge chunk of my review will be based off the tutorial and what little bit I check out while I get these reviews typed up. So now on for the review!
Game Play

The gameplay reminds me a lot or the original game. This is very RPG specific mechanics. You run around, beat up heartless, collect their Lux and level yourself up. You can also level up your Keyblades, and Medals as well. The game does have a certain feel of Pay to Win for medals. Since this is my first time playing, they did give me a huge amount (in my eyes) of Jewels. It's the in-game currency you pay to purchase high-class items and upgrades. It may have been dumb of me, but the first thing I did was dumped all of them into the shop with what they said had the highest rating to get the best medals. Out of one-hundred medals, I go none of the high-class ones. Maybe the rates were not as good as I thought. Either way, I did get myself a great start to the game. This game features a bunch of different modes to play. From story to special, and even events. I do know the game has been around a while, so I honestly have no idea yet just how well they keep things up for this game, but I am willing to find out! Because it was so easy for me to jump into, I gave it a full star!


The original graphics were a pretty awesome 3D style anime game. I mean heck the original game was back on Playstation 2. So yeah it had some really great graphics. This game, however, is formed for the low-end power of a mobile device, and I think they did excellent with the style and the feel. It has almost a childlike quality, yet still kind of a cartoon look. They have kept some great character designs in the game for the original series which I do enjoy a lot. There are two major powerhouses working on this franchise so I did not expect anything less than great coming from them. I do feel as if though I may be too old to play this? It will not stop me, but that is just a feeling I get playing it. Both Disney and Square Enix did a great job on these graphics and animations. For that, I gave it a full star!

It is the same music I remember while wandering around in the towns! They really stuck to the classic easy going happy melody style music. Boss battles and combat are upbeat fast-paced melodies. I am hoping they squeezed some of that amazing opening music with vocals in here somewhere. I will not count my blessings though. Overall they did a great job keeping up the quality of the music for this game. I gave the music a full star!

Well, the story is still the same as I remember from the original. The world is being devoured by the darkness creating the heartless and the last of the list is stored in the children. It is the children's job to push back the darkness and save the light. I think that just about sums it up? This story spans the Disney universe along with the Square Enix universe. So you see a lot of characters from both major franchises! Not to mention the awesome storylines that you can experience and interact with on your travels. Overall I have always enjoyed the story that was designed for this series and I am glad they stuck with it. For that, I gave it a full star!
Replay Value

I am not exactly sure about the replay value as of yet. I am not big on climbing ladders, or always trying to stay on top of leaderboards with these style of games. It just is not my thing. Aside from an extensive storyline, and various other events, I am not too sure what will keep me playing after that. The original Kingdom Hearts I played several times over and over again, but that was because I was always one of those guys who had to collect everything and find everything. I just do not see that happening here for me. Although if leaderboards, ranks and high competitive play in RPGs like this is your style, then I think it will have great replay value to it. If you do play this game please let me know in the comments below how you feel about it. Overall I gave replay value a full star, simply because it does have value, just not for me.

For me, this turned out to be a very fun nostalgic review. I did enjoy the original very much and wish I still had it. Who knows maybe in the future I will have them all. I know this review may not be the best one because I am a little biased towards the franchise and series itself, but I tried! I looked at my notes for each rating and looked at it closely and it did have what I thought would pass. If you have opinions on the ratings, then please by all means share them in the comments below! I do hope you enjoyed this review, and have yourself a magical day filled with light!
Official Kingdom Hearts Google Play Site
Official Site
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