Rated Everyone
Digital Purchases

Mr.Beard's Review
Last Shelter: Survival
Mobile Game App

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Game Play

The gameplay is very simple and easy to pick up. It all comes down to timing your tap. Your spaceship orbits in a circle and you have to time your jump (tap) to get to your next orbit. Now they do have power-ups and ores you can collect when you hit an orbit. The ones you can use later for upgrades to your ship. They also have an ad service where you can watch an ad to get 5 ore for upgrades. Although it does seem to be limited to how often you can watch them. There are also obstacles floating around that you need to avoid. Aside from all of that this is a fairly simple game to figure out, and really challenging. I would not recommend this game for anyone with temper issues. For that, I give this game a full star!

Ok, these are very simple, basic and colorful graphics. There is nothing over the top fancy. Nothing that would put it in a style category other than basic? It is clean, and fits with the simple gameplay, and does have a few small variations you can earn to change. They have a few backgrounds, ships, and different graphics you can use for the obstacles. There is not really all too much that stands out graphically for this game. Sadly for that, I gave it half a star.

I think there are two songs all together in this game. Your main menu song, then a techno electronic style song during gameplay. The menu song I can handle but the gameplay music I have to mute because it makes me nervous when I try to jump. So many times I have jumped dead into a wall because I get going with the beat and BAM! Wall..... Yup, I have done it, many times. The repetitive nature of the songs does get a bit old fairly quickly. For that reason, I had to give this game half a star.

Well, this part of the review is extremely short. There is no story at all to this game. Unless you count the aggravation, frustration, and countless badly timed taps. Oh! I have a funny story! So when I first started playing this game I had no idea how to play it. There is no tutorial or anything. No guides, no nothing. So this morning when I first downloaded it I literally sat here for 45 minutes sipping coffee after tapping new game waiting for it to do something. Yup 45 minutes... I even restarted the app several times. Then my brain woke up and I realized I had to tap the screen to get the spaceship to start its orbit. 2 million crashes later I got the timing down fairly ok. Sorry I got a bit distracted! Back to the review! Ok so for lack of no story at all, I had to give this game an empty star.
Replay Value

Well after playing for about two hours I realized after I'm done getting the upgrades then hitting 25 on the leaderboards for my Blast Mission there will not be anything left to do. So sadly the game will be removed and probably will not play it again. This is a very short time killer game. For that I had to give it an empty star.
Now just because I only gave this game a two-star rating does not mean at all that I did not enjoy this game. I very much so enjoyed this game a lot. I loved the challenge of it. The simple music, graphics, and mechanics make it one of those great bathroom games. I will not lie, there were a lot of times I wanted to hulk smash this game into the dark beyond. So overall I found this a fairly fun and easy game to pick up and play, then easily set down. I hope you all enjoyed the review and please feel free to coment and leave suggestions in the coments below! Have wall smash day!
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