Rated Everyone 10+
Fantasy Violence
Mild Blood
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Dead Shell: Roguelike RPG
Mobile Game App

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and the give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Well, this game was truly different for me. This is the first of its kind that I have played. It does give me a slight Pixel Dungeon feel though, but that may just be the graphics? This was a fairly fun game, although it kind of left me feeling like I need to pay to keep playing. So on with the review shall we?
Game Play

Well, this is a Role Play style 16-bit game. The simple sweet mechanics are, you level your characters, and weapons, and fight through dungeons. From what I can tell so far, there are eight different characters and a wide range of weapons. If you manage to die, like I have, A LOT! Then you must way down a timer for your character to come back to a playable state. It would make good sense to me to try and get all the characters then. Right? or should I upgrade the weapons so I do not die anymore? Each dungeon you enter looks empty till you click a room and explore it more and expand your map. They do have a daily login bonus, along with loads of things you can actually purchase. I do enjoy this game style a lot even though my deaths far outweigh my levels gained. It gives the game a true sense of challenge. For this, I gave the game a full star!

Ok, so this game hits me where it counts. It is old style 16-bit graphics and animation. Games like this make me want to open up a paintbrush or a pixel editor. There just is something about old school graphics that I love so much. You just can not go wrong with old style graphics like these. The animations are a simple one or two framed movements, the styles are fun for both kids of the past and newer kids getting into games. It just gives a good sense of nostalgia. For this, I gave it a full star!

The music is a good set of scores. A bit retro with newer beats and instruments. These are not simple four cord sound loops. The music itself gives off a bit of an ominous scary feel. All music fits well where it is at and helps give this game a more balanced feel. The music has a good rhythm and beat to it that just may leave you tapping your foot and bobbing your head. For this, I gave it a full star!

I could not find much about the story in the actual game itself unless I somehow missed it. I did, however, read the storyline on the Google Play page.
"Blaster-wielding mercenaries vs beasts from the labyrinth: who will win? You're commanding a die-hard assault squad. Destination: Plutonia, a settlement on a Doom-4 class planet. Shuttle cargo: a range of lethal weapons, from axes and chainsaws to blasters and BFGs. Anything might come in handy in Plutonia, the Federation's most remote colony.
Scientists, miners, guards – all sorts of civilian personnel worked there until recently. A week ago, the Center received a mayday signal from the settlement. Demonic roars and screams of terror filled the comm channel, and then it fell dead silent.
It's time to descend into the infernal abyss and show the demons who's the boss here. Fight your way through all the circles of hell to reach the very bottom. Look cosmic evil in the face and emerge victoriously." - Dead Shell Official Google Store Site
The story seems like your average run of the mill space colony gone bad story. I do like the fact that it has a story, but so far the game gives no indication at all that there is one? Maybe they read my reviews and know I take points off for not having a story and slapped one in? Either way, I do enjoy the theme, the concept and the overall idea of the story and gave it a full star!
Replay Value

Now for this part, I am not sure? I have yet to get too far into the game or figured out how to go back to previous missions. I still have no idea if there is an end to the game and you can restart? Or if you could die and have to start all over. I still have not been able to view the world map outside just the dungeon maps. If the game just ends and has no bonus or harder levels then I do not see any real replay value here. For now, I will give it a full star just because I simply do not know and do not want to knock points off for simply not knowing.

Overall I did enjoy this game quite a bit. This is one of those easy to pick up and jump in and play games. Its simple design makes it very easy to play and work with. Although I do feel it seems to lack the ability to explain the story or even what the point of the game is. For all I know, there might not be a real point, and the story might not be told except on the site. Well, I do hope you enjoyed the review and if you know more about the game or have any comments please feel free to post in the comments below! I hope you all have a space aged good day!
Dead Shell Official Google Play Site
Dead Shell Official Developer Site
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