ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board)
What is the ESRB?
The ESRB is a board of people who rate all games and software for the safety of our children. I am a grown adult, so I do not pay too much attention to ESRB ratings. I do enjoy a wide variety of games and always try to give my personal opinion and ratings on all games I play and review. ESRB ratings are good to keep unwanted games out of the hands of easily influential children. I mean would you want your child who still believes in Santa to play a game all about killing him? Or a game that may seem harmless on the cover and turn out to have mass shootings or sexually explicit scenes? I for one as a huge gamer do see the argument on both sides of the field. I see why gamers get upset when a rating does not fit a game they do not think is as bad. I also see where the ESRB stands. The one thing I do not understand is the fact that so many people blame games for kids growing up to be criminals. No offense, but if a game is influencing a child that much, then where are their parents? That is a discussion of a whole other matter though that I just choose to not jump into. Everyone has their own opinions and views, and they are entitled to them. So now let's take a look at these ratings and some games that go with them.
If you would like to know more about the ESRB then here is a link.
ESRB About Page