Animated Blood
Animated Violence
Mr. Beard's Review
PC Game

Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Way back when I first built my very own PC I played this game. Games like this, Gauntlet legends, Baulders Gate and so many others were an amazing style of games for me. It was always the search for the best equipment that always attracted me to these games. More so than the stories or even the gameplay itself. Although a good story was always a plus. Sadly though I never really carried through with Diablo for the story. Maybe I missed out on a lot? Well, I guess the only way to find out is to get on with this review!
Game Play




The setting of Diablo includes the mortal realm which is the world of Man as well as the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. After eons of war between angels and demons, the ascension of man prompted the three Lords of Hell (including Diablo himself) to seek victory through influence, prompting their exile into the mortal realm. There, they sowed chaos, distrust, and hatred among the humans of Sanctuary until a group of magi, called the Horadrim, trapped them in enchanted crystals called "Soulstones". Diablo's soulstone was buried deep in the earth and a monastery was built over the site.
Generations passed and the purpose of the monastery was forgotten. A small town named Tristram sprang up next to the monastery's ruins. When King Leoric rebuilt the monastery as a cathedral, Diablo manipulated its archbishop, Lazarus, to destroy his soulstone prison. Diablo subsequently possessed the king, sending out his knights and priests to battle against peaceful kingdoms, and then possessed the king's son, Prince Albrecht, filling the caves and catacombs beneath the cathedral with creatures formed from the young boy's nightmares.
Tristram became a town of fear and horror, where people were abducted in the night. With no king, no law, and no army left to defend them, many villagers fled.
The game starts when the player's character arrives in Tristram. Several of the remaining townsfolk assist the player such as Deckard Cain the Elder. The labyrinth under the Cathedral descends from the dungeon/church to the catacombs, followed by the caves, and finally Hell itself, each with a mixture of the undead, animals, and demons. Leoric has been re-animated as the Skeleton King.
Late in the game, the hero must fight Archbishop Lazarus, and eventually Diablo himself. At the end of the game, the hero kills Diablo's mortal form. The hero then takes the Soulstone out of Diablo's forehead after which Diablo transforms into a lifeless Prince Albrecht. The hero then drives the Soulstone into his/her own forehead, and he or she contains the essence of Diablo within himself or herself. - Diablo Wiki
The story is a great story. It just felt dry and distant to me in this game. I never really had the urge to follow the story except to do the quests and get the new areas. I was just more interested in equipment hunting. I will however still give it a full star because the story is loved by many. It just never caught my attention.
Replay Value

I do enjoy jumping back into this game again but it is not a game I can spend lots of time playing. It is the whole thing with the loot and several other small glitches that just annoy me and I end up taking a long break from it. I do hope you all enjoyed this review and find yourself a gem of a day!
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