Rated Everyone 10+
Fantasy Violence
Digital Purchases
Mr. Beard's Review
Mine Quest 2
Mobile Game
The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
Ok, so this game really confused me a lot before I even got to play it. When you head over to Google Play to download it, it says the game is a strategy game, yet it is called an RPG in the title? Now I do know games can fit into multiple categories, but what exactly is this game? Let's go find out!
Game Play
This turned out to be a very fun little game. The basics. You appear to be a Viking miner you explore the undergrown caves and mining your way through them and defeating the enemies and monsters you find along the way. As you mine the blocks you can collect materials you can use to forge new weapons and armor to make you stronger. There is also a daily chest that you can get that will also give you gold and materials for new equipment. They do have tournaments as well but I have not looked into those yet. There is a Journal that collects data from all the monsters, materials, and equipment. I think that is more or less to satisfy the collectors who play this game, or a list so you know what you have and do not have. You also have your backpack and storage for all the materials you gain. Be careful though because space is limited. Then the last thing there is would be the forge. That is the area you forge your materials together to build your weapons and armor. Overall I do enjoy the way made this game and it was not what I had expected.
These graphics are bright, colorful and cartoony. I love the way they designed the monsters and even the characters. The graphics, designs and even the animations will easily make this game fun and enjoyable for children and adults of all ages. Overall I found these graphics both fun and appealing. I gave it a full star!
The music in this game is just one song on an endless loop. It is a fun fill instrumental style of adventure music. It almost has an epic style feel like your getting ready to ride into a big battle. Or a song like like you are about to get into an epic battle! Overall the song was fun and even though it was an endless loop song, it had enough variety in it to make it enjoyable. I gave this a full star!
Ok, so I know there was a story at the beginning of the game in the opening. I managed to miss it because I was trying to get a screenshot and instead accidentally exited the game, and then I could not review the opening movie again. From what I do understand though is a Dwarf found a crystal that teleported him to a mystical land. I mean there is definitely a story here, and I just did not get it due to my own faults. I am sure I could just find the opening on YouTube somewhere and watch it that way too. Overall I gave this a full star.
Replay Value
I do not see anything that points to being competitive in this game so far. Also, this is story driven and I do not see any special events or special quests. After you complete all the quests and collect everything in the journal I do not see much holding anyone here in this game. For that, I had to give it an empty star.
I really did have a lot of fun playing this game and I most certainly will continue to play it in my spare time. This was a fun, different and enjoyable little game. I do not know how long it will last or how quickly I can beat it. The map does seem fairly small and I am moving through them pretty quickly. I do hope you all enjoyed the review and hope you can all mine out yourself an amazing day! Google Play Mine Quest 2 Official Site!
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