Rated Everyone
Mr. Beard's Review
Know Your Bible Characters
Mobile Game

The way I am doing these reviews is either people Suggest a game, or I find a random game to play. I play the game for an hour and give my initial opinion. Sometimes however I do play a game a little longer. It all just depends on my mood when I'm ready to write the next post. Every time I play a game and give it my personal rating. I rate the game on 5 different personal points.
Game Play
Replay Value
I'll get to each one separately and explain why I feel it gets a full star or not. Now I can get into great detail with everything about this game, but this is just a quick review of the game. If you would like to know more just let me know in the comments below. Plus I will also be posting links to some other great resources.
It is becoming harder and harder lately to find any good Christian based Bible games. When I picked this one I honestly thought there would be a little more to this game. Well, let's get this review done.
Game Play

The gameplay is very simple at best. This is a simple trivia game style. The game gives you a small saying or hint and you have to unscramble the name in the letters given to find out who it is. That is really all there is to this game. There are only forty-eight levels to this game and I quickly flew through those in the hour I played it. It does have an option to download more levels but it kept telling me it could not find any. As you complete each level you do earn gold that you can use to buy hints. That really is all there is to this game. Overall I gave it only half a star.

The graphics are very simple and plain except the images it shows to represent each person. The pictures look to be hand painted and maybe even from a book. Again there really is not much to this either. I only gave it half a star.

This is bad. This poor game seems to only have been made to attract people to disappoint them. There is no music in this game at all. I had to give it an empty star.

There is no story to this game at all unless you consider the little trivia facts it gives you to try and figure out the answer. Overall this was severely lacking as well and I had to give this another empty star.
Replay Value

Well in an hour I beat the game. There is nothing else to do with it and there does not seem to be any new levels to download. You can go back and replay the levels again, but if you already answered them I really do not see why you would keep redoing them. I had to give this an empty star as well.
This game was a bit of a challenge, but it was still just very lacking as a game. I completed the game in the hour that I played it. It was a good refresher to remember who everyone is in the Bible, but in the end, I might as well just remove it cause there is no point in keeping it. I do hope this review was helpful to you all, and hope you all have a blessed day!
Google Play Know Your Bible Characters Official Site
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